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Sometimes in life we completely forget that we have an amazing sacred power within us. Too many times we look out of ourselves for our power. When our essence, our power is in the very core of our being. We just have to be able to access it and this simple process will help you get back to that centre.

Whilst releasing the emotions that no longer serve you in this powerful meditation ‘Journey to the true self’ which is an extract from my new book ‘An Empath’s World To freedom’


Journey to the True Self Exercise

  1. Imagine a beautiful vibrational light coming through the spiritual cord above your head. Allow the vibrant light to flow through your energy centres into your heart centre, filling you up.
  1. Now in your imagination go to a real place that you have visited that made you feel happiness and joy. 
  1. Step into this place and be with all your senses. Connecting to a higher power, the Divine power, Source, Universal energy, God. (Whichever you connect to).
  1. In the distance you can see someone familiar walking towards you. You meet them and realise that they are your True Self. The Self that is abundant, free, happy, where all your needs are met. Observe the True self in all your glory 
  1. Merge with the True Self to ground the blueprint of your soul, as the True Self has no negativity, and is the blueprint of success, goodness and abundance of your creator.
  1. Now with the blueprint of the True Self surround your energy with the abundant light of positivity and protection. All your energy centres, auric fields are covered in this abundant energy of protection and light.
  1. Take a nice big deep breath in and come back to conscious awareness bringing your True Self with you. Feeling protected and grounded for the day ahead. 

This practice can be done as many times as you wish. I have a daily practice of this exercise, which sets me up for the day. Allowing me to stand in my power and the essence of my soul print. 

Ann Varney


I am Ann Varney a Business & Spiritual Teacher. I help people with their soulful business and transform their lives.

If this resonates with you, please do not hesitate to get in touch or book a FREE 15-min call to see if I can help you.

 Just click this link for FREE 15-min call.

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