what is quantum jumping

Quantum jumping is a concept that has gained popularity in self-help and personal development circles. 


It is often marketed as a way to achieve one’s goals through visualisation and positive thinking. 


Proponents of quantum jumping claim that it is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, the scientific theory that describes the behaviour of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. 


However, the idea of quantum jumping is not a scientifically accepted concept, and it preys on people’s misunderstandings of quantum mechanics. 


This blog post will explore the concept of quantum jumping, its relationship to quantum mechanics, and why it is considered a pseudoscientific concept by scientists and sceptics.

Quantum Manifestation

The idea of quantum jumping has become increasingly popular in self-help and personal development circles. It is often marketed as a way to achieve one’s goals through visualisation and positive thinking. 


Proponents of quantum jumping claim that it is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, the scientific theory that describes the behaviour of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. 


However, quantum jumping is not a scientifically accepted concept, and it preys on people’s misunderstandings of quantum mechanics.


As a practitioner of this technique, I have been able to achieve successful outcomes in my life, which have often manifested much quicker than anticipated.


My experiences with this approach have resulted in various positive outcomes, including multiple lottery wins – totalling to 16 victories in a period of three weeks, with the purchase of only two tickets per transaction.


In addition, I have successfully manifested high-ticket courses, prizes, vacations, business clients, and more.


The results of my efforts have been remarkable and have reinforced my belief in the efficacy of this technique.

Parallel Realities

The concept of quantum jumping is often described as the ability to shift to a parallel reality or alternate dimension where one’s desired outcome has already been achieved.


This idea is not based on any established principles of quantum mechanics. In fact, the term “quantum jumping” is not recognised by the scientific community as a legitimate concept.


As a practitioner and instructor of this technique, I have observed its transformative potential firsthand, particularly with regard to parallel realities. 


Through my work with clients and students, I have witnessed the release of years of pain and trauma, as well as profound healing, through the utilisation of holographic techniques that enable us to access future possibilities. 


In addition, I have seen individuals’ future goals become a reality in a remarkably short amount of time, exceeding their expectations and often defying conventional logic. 


The power of this technique to alter individuals’ reality is profound and awe-inspiring, particularly when I guide them through a joint jump into a parallel reality.


They experience the same locations and time zones, serving to reinforce their newfound understanding of the incredible potential of this approach.


Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a complex and highly mathematical field that deals with the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. 

It is one of the most successful and well-tested scientific theories of all time, and it has given rise to many technological innovations that have transformed our world. 

However, it is also a theory that is often misunderstood and misused by people who are not trained in the field.

Quantum Healing

The strange and counterintuitive nature of quantum mechanics has also led to a lot of pseudoscientific concepts and ideas, such as the “Law of Attraction” and “quantum healing.” 


These ideas are not based on any established principles of quantum mechanics, and they have no scientific evidence to support them.


While the efficacy of this technique is a matter of scientific debate, it is important to note that I have personally witnessed the profound impact of this approach on individuals’ lives. 


I have seen years of emotional and physical pain being alleviated almost instantaneously when the energy of the holographic image is integrated into the body. 


In addition, I have witnessed clients who have struggled with chronic financial insecurity for years experience a release of this lack and limitation. 


The powerful effects of this technique, while not yet fully understood, are undeniable, and I have observed its ability to bring about healing and positive change in the lives of those who have utilised it.


Quantum jumping is often marketed as a way to achieve one’s goals through visualisation and positive thinking. 


The idea is that by visualising a desired outcome, one can “jump” to a different reality or alternate dimension where that outcome has already been achieved. 

Quantum Entanglement

Some proponents of quantum jumping claim that it is based on the principle of quantum entanglement. 


Quantum entanglement is a real phenomenon in quantum mechanics, where two particles can become entangled in such a way that the state of one particle is immediately influenced by the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. 


However, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that quantum entanglement can be used to “jump” to a different reality or alternate dimension.


It is often associated with New Age spirituality and alternative medicine, and it is not recognised as a legitimate therapy or medical treatment by any reputable health organisation or government agency.


In conclusion, it is important to note that the concept of quantum jumping is not scientifically recognised or accepted as a legitimate concept by the wider scientific community. 


As a result, it is often associated with New Age spirituality and alternative medicine. However, as a practitioner of this technique, I have seen firsthand the profound effects that it can have on individuals’ lives. 


While the scientific community has yet to catch up with this pseudoscientific concept, my own observations suggest that the efficacy of this approach cannot be dismissed out of hand. 


Ultimately, the truth lies in the people who have experienced lasting change as a result of this phenomenon, and it is their experiences that should guide our understanding of this approach. 


Further research is needed to fully understand the potential of quantum jumping and to reconcile it with accepted scientific principles, but for now, it remains a promising tool for individuals seeking to achieve their goals and live their best lives.


If you are seeking to achieve your goals in a shorter timeframe, I invite you to explore the potential of this incredible technique. 


By utilising the power of holographic visualisation, you can bring about positive changes in your life and achieve your desired outcomes with greater efficiency and effectiveness. 

ann varney

Spiritual Teacher | Author | Podcaster

About Ann Varney

Trained with 5th generation Shamans in Peru, Rinpoche’s in Nepal, Native Americans in Outback in California, and Druids in Scotland.

Also trained with Tony Robbins, William Whitecloud, Scott Jansen, Bob Proctor, Jeffrey Allan, Donna Eden, Michael Beckwith, Anodea Judith, Peggy Dylan, Dr Joe Dispenza, and so many more spiritual teachers…

Postgraduate Degree in Psychology and is qualified in Master Hypnotherapy and Meditation. An acclaimed International Spiritual Teacher and Author of 3 books, specialising in; Shamanic Energy healing; Angelic Healing; Alchemy; Master of Sekhem/Reiki; Pranic healing; Firewalk Instructor, Educational Leader and so much more. 

With a deep dive into your innermost heart, I am here to help you uncover the unique passions that define who you are and reach for what lies beyond. With more faith in yourself comes an easier manifestation of whatever goals await – let’s break through those barriers together!