Are you a person who really wants to take your healing to the next level and start an online spiritual enterprise and help people but have no idea where to start? You want to go from ‘Zero to Hero’ but have no clue how to establish yourself and build a PERSONAL BRAND!
In this article, I’m going to be sharing with you how to brand yourself as a spiritual entrepreneur and lightworker.
If you’ve got amazing services and healing work that you want to share with the world.
But you’ve no idea how to present yourself as a brand and attract soulmate clients and want to make an impact in the world with your services, then this article is for you!
A brand is a way that the interests of consumers determine and has an experience with a business and their products and services. You probably interact with about a dozen labels on a daily basis, and you know some of the big ones, such as apple and Nike.
And when I say the brand apple you’re likely to think of words such as innovations, sleek iPhones. And when I say the brand Nike you’re likely to think about #justdoit and probably character athletic wear. Now with brand names, we associate certain characteristics and hopes, and this helps us realize our acquiring decisions.
So you may be thinking why exactly should I be creating a brand for myself?
While I’m glad you asked because I have the answers for that. First of all, when you create a brand for yourself, you differentiate yourself versus everyone else out there who’s doing something similar to you or perhaps mostly the exact same thing.
You are branding yourself and what you’re offering as unique know-how and as a unique action of helping your soulmate clients.
And second of all, you establish what is known as the know like and trust factor. When you create a label out of yourself. Knowing is basically having your soulmate purchasers know who you are, know what you stand for and know how you can help them and TRUST you.
Liking is basically whether or not they like you and creating that personable connection with your soulmate their customers and patrons and trust is ultimate. Whether or not they trust you enough to give them the transformation that they’re looking for and when you can gain their trust. That is when they will decide to purchase from you and to invest in you.
So, let’s jump into some of the key tips that I have for you today on how to brand yourself as a spiritual entrepreneur and the lightworker.
How you define your purpose and what activated your purpose are going to be key factors in what you’re doing versus everyone else out there who may be doing something similar.
So really asking yourself? What is the bigger purpose that I want to achieve with the business that I am doing? What is the mark that I want to leave behind, and why do I want to do this?
Now, when you’re, considering your why perhaps
“I want to help people”
“I want to impact people”
“I just wanted to have more financial freedom”
“I want to have greater freedom”
But why exactly do you want to do that?
Really challenge yourself to know your why every single time, you have an answer, ask yourself, why do I want to do that? Really dig deep to your why?
Why is that genuine, really justify those sparks for your purpose?
This is going to be a huge part of defining your transformational story and your unique brand that will attract your soulmate client because we each have our unique story.
Our unique story is our BRAND!
What provoked our purpose to show up and to help other people, And not only is your story going to inspire other people and entice your soulmate client, but, most importantly, your story will help you heal the people that you’re setting out to help.
You are not for everyone, and that is great as we narrow down your niche. In fact, it’s what we want, because when you appeal to everyone, you’re not going to appeal to anyone at all, So here it’s about to get clear and precise about who precisely do you want to be providing through your label?
So, starting asking yourself questions such as the demographics, the gender of the people, you want to be serving their ages.
Where do they live, their interests etc.?
But then get deeper into really understanding the psychology of your soulmate clients and purchasers. So things such as what are the problems they are currently fighting with? How are these problems illustrated in their lives? What do they desire to have, Or where do they desire to be Instead, What does that transformation that they’re looking for look like?
So these questions have certainly allowed you to understand the psychology and, what’s going on inside the mind of your soul clients, and exactly what they’re looking for in are concerned with a brand like yours.
This is important because and having this understanding and knowing the language that your soulmate clients use, you can use the same language when you are speaking from your label to attract the types of people for the services offered that you give.
So here it’s about being clear precisely. How does your branding serve your soul tribe?
What do your business cards say? What does your website tell people about you and what are they going to experience when they visit?
Your branding is everything. Your brand is how others perceive you and it also helps you see yourself.
Almost every day, I get emails from spiritual entrepreneurs who are looking for branding advice. They want to know how to make their brand feel more authentic and speak to what they really stand for.
The truth is that your branding will always serve your soul tribe, but the degree of service depends on the level of authenticity you bring into it. If you’re not being true to yourself or if you don’t have an understanding of what makes your work special, then any branding efforts will be in vain.
Your business should be a reflection of your values and what you stand for. It is the way that you show up in this world, who you are to others.
It’s important to think about how your branding reflects on not only yourself but also those around you.
What type of person do people see when they look at your brand?
How does it make them feel?
If there’s anything that can save us as we move into an increasingly uncertain future, it’s the power of community.
Becoming the biggest fan of your brand with deep faith and certainty is going to be so important, especially in the beginning stages for stimulating people to believe in your brand. Really own it and believe in yourself!
What is it that your label supports and commit to going above and beyond?
What is that experience that you want to create for your soulmate clients?
What is your current skills and knowledge?
The first part is to take stock of your current skills and knowledge that you’ve collected up until this stage. When you’re going through this stock, it’s important to know that, yes, suitabilities and certifications are great, but you too have a lot of work and life knowledge that cannot be summarised in simply a certification.
So be sure to take these into account as well. “Were not receiving” container that you need to fit into now a lot of the times in branding in business. You may have heard that you need to select one niche, have one focus and only do this one thing,
However, we are shifting towards a HIGHER VIBRATIONAL paradigm. In business and in life, where it’s not so much about doing one thing, but it’s about understanding what is that ultimate transformation that you’re creating for your soulmate clients and customers?
So, to give you an example, perhaps you are a spiritual coach, an energy healer and a yoga teacher. There is nobody saying that you need to choose one of these things and simply stick to this. You could be all of these modalities and more, I know I am.
Instead, think about what is that ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION that you want to be creating, and how can you blend the things that you’re really good at to create your unique approach, your unique technique to create that alteration?
THAT IS WHERE THE MAGIC IS, and that is how you are going to differentiate your brand versus everyone else.
The special specific areas of you, the unique aspects of who you are, the things that make you stand out: Because these are going to be the very things that attracted your soulmate clients and customers. Remember when your soulmate clients invest in your products and your services, they’re not just investing in what you have to offer, but they’re investing in you as a person.
So truly celebrate your greatness. How that deep notion in certainty in what you’re offering! Believe in yourself, because if you don’t how is anyone else going to believe in you.
So understanding, what do you want?
Your soulmate clients can see, hear, feel when they come in contact with your label? So, for example, they may find proof that it is possible for them to live their best life. How do you reflect that to them? Perhaps through a transformational story? This can be your transformational story and/or the transformational story of people who you’ve helped and what would they sound like?
So how are you able to see them being heard, motivational video clips that you develop, and how do you want them to feel? Maybe it’s that you want them to feel peace, yet joy.
How can you be taken into account that in your brand’s colour scheme? So actually get clear about it? What is that experience that you want to be creating and doing all those things that are going to reflect that suffering?
Really committing to going above and beyond and being willing to go that additional mile for your soulmate clients to make their experience with their brand even better than originally anticipated.
1). How are you able to deliver additional ethical services?
2). How are you able to shape things even easier for your soulmate buyers?
3). How are you able to show them that you really care?
4). How are you able to make them feel extra good
When you answer these questions and make the actions accordingly to serve your soulmate clients.
It’s a well-known fact that by universal law, the more love that you give, the more abundance that you hand out, the more you are going to get back.
So I hope that these tips on how to brand yourself as a spiritual entrepreneur and lightworker have helped you. If you are just starting on your journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur and want to take your online business to the next level check out ‘How To Turn Your SpiritNeur From Zero To Hero’
If you are ready to step into your calling as a spiritneur, then How To Turn Your SpiritNeur From Zero To Hero! It’s a spiritual and soul led 4-week program where I show you the tech, whilst you get clear on your purpose and vision, and you create your roadmap to your high-end branding within your career, whilst you create foundations to massive abundance.
Instead of trying to find your way in no man’s land, you will shine your light aligning you to your soul tribe with ease! You’ll learn how to spiritually align your light to your passion and purpose with the use of practical business tools with great effect.
The Universe will open the invisible doors to your business as your actions become effortless in your money-making actions. You will earn money that will give you the freedom you crave.