I loved the calmness of Sarah’s interview and her energy, as she led the interview beautifully as you can watch in the video. I also have a podcast if you prefer to listen, I know I do whilst I’m out doing my 10k walk every day!

I had the pleasure of having an informal chat with the lovely Sarah Trimby about ‘Spirituality and Shamanism in the Modern World. She asked some really interesting questions as detailed below:

Interview with Sarah Trimby

1. What do we mean by spirituality?

Spirituality has so many different meanings to each person and religion. It really depends on where your stand point is. I know that for me spirituality is being connected to the self and the abundant universe that all is, and just being at one with self.

2. Why are people afraid to talk about their spirituality?

I think judgement is a big issue for a lot of people and fear of being laughed at by their peers. I know I certainly had this fear from my friends and family.

As they really did think I had lost the plot because I went from this very closed person to being enthused with spirit guides, power animals, angels and crossed over loved ones.

Especially, when I was full of excitement telling my family and friends about the dogs I had conversations with that had crossed over, or having a powerful conversation with their family who had crossed over.

So because they look at you with so much judgement, you tend to shut up and keep these connections to yourself for fear of being ostracised from the societal trappings that we all fall into.

3. What made you change and follow your passion?

I began to hate the life I had created for myself as a 6-figure Bridal Designer and Full-time Lecturer in Fashion, as I did not know who I was anymore.

I felt that I had created this persona that to my peers was funny, confident, assertive, didn’t take any shit kind of attitude and used alcohol and food to quieten my soul’s yearnings.

It took me to do the Inca trail to Macchu Picchu with people I had never met before, but who became life long friends. As it is one of the spiritual wonders of the world. Boy, was it an experience and hard to complete.

Yes, it was! As I had not done anything like this before in my life. Not only climb mountains in a third world country with the air so different from our own but sleep outside in the middle of nowhere.

My life had consisted of luxury 5-star hotels not going to the indigenous tribes of Shamans where they have nothing else than a big beautiful smile and inner connections to themselves and what can only be classed as poor surroundings.

It really makes you sit up and be grateful for the life you have, even though that life no longer serves you. On my way home I decided that I needed to drastically change my life.

To listen to my soul and live my life with passion, but that wasnt to be for a number of years after as I had so much fear of my peers and their judgement.

Even though my power lay with my inner sanctum of guides, ancestors and angels, when I was helping other people. I would not tell my clients that I was connecting to an inner world. I just said its energy healing!

But that was really all to change when I was asked to facilitate a spiritual retreat in France when spirit told me to step into my power and be the authentic powerhouse I truly was, that everyone is!

4. You have a successful business now what was the reaction initially?

At first, it was more me that stopped me being the successful Spiritual teacher due to fear of showing the real me. But now, WOW I fully step into my spiritual self as it is helping so many people worldwide.

So many people are looking for their own light, or a deeper connection to their spiritual prowess. Luckily, I know how to do this with having authentic teachers myself.

Who were real Shamans from Peru, Rinponches in Nepal, Native Americans from the outback of California from the Sundance Cherokee tribes Druids and Shamanic teachers from Scotland and Sundoor Spiritual Firewalkers from California.

I am able to bring those teachings that helped me heal on my journey through the years to many people around the world online, as I came from a shopfront in-person business that was very shallow and bitchy, to a business that connected to souls around the world.

Boy, did I have to learn a completely new way of doing business?

I was the least technical person on the planet, and now I love the tech side of an online business. I see so many healers, therapists stop their business because they do not know the tech as they get so frustrated and give up.

Thankfully I have a program that I am working on that will be ready by March 2021 that will help these people in a 30 day course where I take them by the hand and lead them through the process of an online business.

Where they can create, market and be aligned to their soul business with passion.

The Spiritual Entrepreneur 30-day program will guide and help spiritual entrepreneurs have a soul led business that they desire online.

With knowledge of the technical side that they can create and produce their very own courses, and attract their dream clients with ease.

But before they get into this it will be get rid of the blocks via learning about energy and Akashic records and the shadow self that keep them feeling frustrated and shameful, and not feeling good enough.

There is so much more to this. If you would like to know more when it becomes available >>>click here<<<

5. Shamanism is used by a lot of successful people what is it that particularly pertinent to success?

When we connect to our higher self and our spiritual prowess of being our own GURU and stepping into our power that is available there for everyone.

There is no stopping the abundance in all forms, success, prosperity, confidence and so much more.

People can see that you have a special kind of energy that is attractive to so many. People love to be guided by someone who knows their shit, this is regardless of whether you are spiritual or not.

Think about all the people you love being around who fill your cup up to overflowing.

You can bet your ass that these people are successful because they get it and spirit is working with them, not against them!

6. Experience of impact on your client’s life

I just love when a client really gets it, and you see the energy around them and within them changing to a much lighter vibration and you can see the changes happening before your eyes. Regardless of where in the world they are.

They let go of what they were holding so tightly onto whether that be limiting beliefs, behaviours, emotions etc. It doesnt matter, but what does stop the flow of healing is the person themselves, especially if they are very stubborn in their ways.

I could have chatted all night but I had to go and see my Shaman for deep powerful work!!

So if you like these vibes! I have more

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Podcast – Ann Varney Spiritual Podcast

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Web – https://www.bewellgateway.com